How to be a Bad-Ass
to 100 & Beyond
Sex / Life / Tech for ALL Ages
Nancy knows a lot of things because she’s experienced a lot of things in her (almost) 70 trips around the sun.
She’s been a C-level exec (Citibank, Mastercard, Reed Exhibitions — producers of ComicCon), founder, small business owner, award-winning writer, innovator, rule-breaker, mom / nana / daughter, volunteer, board member, podcaster, and a mentor / coach to 100s of businesses and people at all career and life stages.
It makes perfect sense that she’s named after Nancy Drew (who always saw the clues!) and Nancy Sinatra (who rocked white go-go boots and stood out from the crowd).
Not your “typical” coach or speaker, Nancy has lived through virtually everything she discusses.

–Dr. James Desrosier, former marketing executive at Mastercard, BBC, and Cisco
–Jeff Fromm, Forbes, Senior Advisor/Investor, 5x Author, Intergenerational Thought Leader

Let's Blow Up Generational Stereotypes!
The date on your birth certificate shouldn’t define you. Old cars and music are classics. Young can mean curious and unbound by conventions. And young and old people can be BOTH! Let’s stop defining people and things by their time on earth and be truly age blind. With dual citizenship in the analog and digital worlds, Nancy can show you how!